These workshops are aimed to provide a set of stimulating lectures and group work sessions using state-of-the-art and emerging modelling techniques of relevance to chemists, life scientists and modellers working in rational drug design. Participants should return to their labs with new ideas, best practices and software experiences to maximise productivity in their own drug discovery research activities.
After each presentation by an expert on as specific area of drug design and the used in silico tools, groups will apply the newly acquired knowledge to case studies with hands-on examples and discuss issues highlighted by instructors finally resulting in innovative ways to combine the tools into new workflows. Case studies, which will be worked on in the group work sessions, can be provided by the participants based on their current research following the bring-your-own-problems philosophy. The participants may also contribute their most promising ideas and proposals to the Scientists Against Malaria initiative, which will then be taken forward for further development and testing to fight Malaria as well as neglected tropical diseases.
Participants are encouraged to propose problems and issues to the faculty ahead of the workshop or at the introduction on the first workshop day. They will have ample opportunity to discuss their perspectives and criticisms of the methods studied and should take-away key nuggets of understanding from these intensive sessions.